Mercedes Gilroy

Weaver. Wanderer. Wonderer. Harbinger of joy.

Membership Coordinator

Focus Areas: AI; quantum technologies, post-quantum cryptography; social-profit innovation


Total dork for the influence Jacquard had on early computing, though not capable of operating anything but the simplest of looms. Open-hearted and open-minded connector of people and ideas. Optimistic nihilist, avid philosophical adventurer, and intentional meaning maker. Advocate for love as an action instead of a feeling. Celebratrix of blessings best described by John O’Donohue: “And so may a slow wind work these words of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life.“


Raised and trained service-dog puppies and eventually adopted a triple-reject rescue dog to justify a pandemic-induced 2 hour/day walking habit. Eventually walked the Camino de Santiago, upping daily walks to 5 hours and following the footsteps made by millions of pilgrims since the 10th century. Convinced that being shoulder to shoulder is often better than face to face. Always ready for dialogue with a beginner’s mind, undefended heart, and no cherished outcomes. Confident that there is a way through, even if we haven’t found it yet. Happiest on a tangent.


Enthusiastic supporter of STEAM initiatives that emphasize the value of curiosity, courage, and critical thinking. Serendipitous mash-up of science communication and go-to-market for start-ups and scale-ups, with a special interest in quantum technologies. Doubter. Believer. Unapologetic interrogative explorer.

Harbinger of joy.

Great bringer of cookies, writer of letters, and teller of tales. Your awesomeness is assumed unless proven otherwise. (You probably won’t.) Always on the lookout for exceptional humans with whom to solve exciting problems. Actively working to bend the arc of the universe. Religious practitioner of freudenfreude– delighting in others’ happiness.


Thrilled to have helped launch: many new Canadians into their first role in tech, the Emmy Noether Circle for Women in Science; and Coin Edge, a women-led revenue consulting collective supporting early stage quantum technology startups.

Awards: Sales Leader of the Year (High Growth Company), Rainmaker Global Conference; Director’s Outstanding Achievement Award, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics; Roger Aucoin Memorial Award for Outstanding Leadership & Community Building, St. Paul’s University College

Professional Experience: Executive Producer, Coin Edge; Director, Marketing, evolutionQ; Sales Coach, Conestoga College Entrepreneurship Collective; Director, Business Development, Auvik Networks; Major Gifts Officer, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
