03 Sep Fortune 500 Companies Brace for Coming AI Regulations (Ep.50)
September 3, 2024—The state of artificial intelligence regulation in the U.S., or the lack of it, is a pressing matter for Fortune 500 companies as they launch AI projects...
September 3, 2024—The state of artificial intelligence regulation in the U.S., or the lack of it, is a pressing matter for Fortune 500 companies as they launch AI projects...
Nemertes [Next] Content Director and Board Member Nancy Kleinrock is a driving force in guiding the next chapter of this conference series. In her 25+ involvement, she has witnessed the introduction of cutting edge tech that eventually became "ho-hum" everyday tech, and she's curated countless...
August 27, 2024—Sam Altman wants to scan every human being’s eyeballs in exchange for his cryptocurrency—is this a chance for free money and secure identity management, or the start of a hegemonic securing of everyone’s identity?...
Nemertes [Next] Board Member Ike Nassi shares why this is his community of like-minded people who "groove" on things like new approaches to bio-engineering to prolong life or highly functioning, mind-blowing robots...
August 20, 2024—From architectures to operations, the “Oracles” discuss how managing IT infrastructure in a FinServ world is…different...
August 13, 2024—Explore the common mistakes executives make when developing and executing a technology plan...
August 13, 2024—This month, we discuss the implications of the federal judge's ruling that Google monopolized the online search market...
August 13, 2024—Last week’s episode garnered such interest that Jerry and Johna decided to talk in more detail about the pros and cons of investing in cryptocurrencies. Is cryptocurrency any better or worse than betting on bad debt?...
August 6, 2024—Cryptocurrencies have gone from the promising to the absurd. What, if anything, should finserv firms be doing about them?...
July 30, 2024—When choosing vendors, what strategy should you employ: big rock, best-in-breed, or ecosystem?...