Nemertes [Next] – Baltimore 2024

September 24-26, 2024

Past Event: Baltimore 2024

Nemertes [Next] Conference: Baltimore September 24-26, 2024

Nemertes [Next]: Baltimore

September 24-26, 2024

We are thrilled to be hosting the inaugural Nemertes [Next] at the beautiful Baltimore harbor!

This conference includes a field trip to cutting-edge research labs at The Johns Hopkins University, a celebratory dinner at the Baltimore Museum of Art, an interactive workshop on augmenting innovation within an enterprise, as well as two days of talks featuring world-class speakers.

Unlike conferences where audiences merely sit and listen, Nemertes [Next] emphasizes the curiosity, creativity, and engagement of its participants.

Conference Speakers: Baltimore 2024

Nemertes [Next]: Baltimore 2024 Agenda

  • 7:30 AM Workshop Check-in and Breakfast (Royal Sonesta—Brightons)
  • 8:00 AM Adaptive Leadership Training Workshop: Making the Case for Innovation within the Enterprise (Royal Sonesta—Brightons)
    Donald Vandergriff, Director of Adaptive Leadership Training, Nemertes
    Jerald Murphy, Senior Vice President of Research and Consulting, Nemertes
  • 12:15 PM Field Trip Check-in and Lunch (Royal Sonesta—Explorers)
  • 1:00 PM Bus Departs Hotel Lobby for Field Trip, Johns Hopkins University (Homewood Campus)
  • 5:00 PM Return from Field Trip to the Hotel
  • 5:30 PM Welcome Reception and Dinner (Royal Sonesta—Brightons)

All meals in Royal Sonesta Explorers; all sessions in Royal Sonesta Hamptons

  • 7:30 AM Breakfast
  • 8:30 AM Conference Welcome
    Johna Till Johnson, CEO, Nemertes
    Tony Shaw, Nemertes [Next]
  • 8:45 AM Renewable Energy On-Demand with Solar Nanomaterials
    Susanna Thon, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
  • 9:25 AM Context is Next
    K Krasnow Waterman, Visiting Scientist, MIT
  • 10:05 Fixing Artificial Intelligence via Natural Intelligence
    Joshua Vogelstein, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
  • 10:45 AM Coffee Break
  • 11:10 AM Empowering Enterprise Efficiency: Generative AI Can Fundamentally Change the Way Teams Work
    Bella Liu, Cofounder and CEO, Orby AI
  • 11:50 AM Malleable Software in the Age of AI
    Geoffrey Litt, Senior Researcher, Ink & Switch
  • 12:30 PM Lunch
  • 1:40 PM Defense in Depth: Safety and Security on the Path to AGI
    Edouard Harris, Cofounder and CTO, Gladstone A
  • 2:20 PM Beyond AI: Where Do We Go from Here?
    Don Means, Jr., CIO and Director of IT, Defense Finance and Accounting Service
  • 3:00 PM Coffee Break
  • 3:25 PM Secure Computation during the Classical-to-Quantum Transition
    Atul Mantri, Professor, Virginia Tech
  • 4:05 PM The Quantum Cloud: Today’s Landscape and Tomorrow’s Possibilities
    Juan Moreno, Principal Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services
  • 4:45 PM The Day’s Reflections
    The Nemertes Team
  • 5:00 PM End of Sessions
  • 5:30 PM Reception and Dinner Gertrude’s Chesapeake Kitchen (10 Art Museum Drive, Baltimore)

All meals in Royal Sonesta Explorers; all sessions in Royal Sonesta Hamptons

  • 7:30 AM Breakfast
  • 8:30 AM Welcome
    Johna Till Johnson, Founder + CEO, Nemertes
    Nancy Kleinrock, Content Director, Nemertes [Next]
  • 8:35 AM Telling Stories about Science: How to Do It, Why It Matters
    Erin Bow, Author
  • 9:15 AM How to Train Your Robot
    Dinesh Jayaraman, Professor, University of Pennsylvania
    Will Liang, Student, University of Pennsylvania
    Sam Wang, Student, University of Pennsylvania
  • 9:55 Dragonfly: NASA’s Drone to Titan
    Luke Becker, Systems Assurance Manager, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
  • 10:35 AM Coffee Break—with Demos
  • 11:15 AM How Network Effects Have Severed the U.S. Electorate
    David Troy, Investigative Journalist
  • 11:55 AM The State of Commercial Quantum: Are We There Yet?
    Johna Till Johnson, Founder + CEO, Nemertes
  • 12:25 PM Conference Reflections
    The Nemertes Team
  • 12:45 PM Lunch
  • 2:00 PM Close of Event

Nemertes [Next] Field Trip

The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering

September 24, 2024

Conference attendees will visit Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering to tour a diverse collection of research labs with a subfocus on robotics—medical and otherwise—and to hear from Dean Ed Schlesinger about the institution and its Doctor of Engineering program targeted explicitly at professional engineers.

Click to View Field Trip Details

  • 12:15–1:00
    Check-in for field trip; lunch at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
  • 1:00–1:20
    Bus to Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus
  • 1:20–1:25
    Divide into Groups and Transition to 1st Station
  • 1:25–1:50
    Surgical Robotics: Mock OR, Russell Taylor
  • Transition to 2nd Station
  • 1:50–2:15
    Terradynamics: Locomotion, Chen Li
  • Transition to 3rd Station
  • 2:15–2:40
    Medical Robotics: Prostheses, Haptics, Suturing, Mag Guidance, Jeremy Brown and Axel Krieger
  • 2:40–3:20
    Coffee Break and JHU Whiting School Overview by Dean Ed Schlesinger
  • Transition to 4th Station
  • 3:25–3:45
    Computational Fluid Dynamics, Rajat Mittal and Jung-Hee Seo
  • Transition to 5th Station
  • 3:50–4:10
    Biophotonics; Raman Microscopy, Ishan Barman
  • Transition to 6th Station
  • 4:15–4:35
    Intuitive Computing, Chien-Ming Huang
  • Transition to Bus
  • 4:40–5:00
    Return to Royal Sonesta Hotel

Nemertes [Next] Workshop

Adaptive Leadership Training Workshop: Making the Case for Innovation within the Enterprise

September 24, 2024

Delivering innovation to an organization is exciting, but is often challenged by budgets, outdated systems, entrenched environments—and last but least, resistance from senior management. Paradoxically, the same individuals who resist a sustained commitment to innovation are the ones pounding the table while insisting that “innovation is the cornerstone of our organization”. In this interactive workshop, Nemertes uses our Adaptive Leadership Training methodology to empower participants to bring innovation to their enterprise and, more importantly, make the case for a sustained investment in innovation to enable ongoing transformation.

Workshop Facilitators:

Don Vandergriff

Don Vandergriff, Director of Adaptive Leadership Training, Nemertes

Donald E. Vandergriff is an award-winning teacher, writer, and lecturer who specializes in military leadership education and training. Vandergriff is the author or editor of seven books and over 100 articles dealing with leadership. His book, Adopting Mission Command: Developing Leaders for a Superior Command Culture has been widely praised and he has twice been recognized as Teacher of the Year for the Army ROTC. Don retired as a Marine and Army officer after 24 years in uniform and another 12 years as a contractor both in the US and overseas. Vandergriff is currently the Director of Adaptive Leadership Training for Nemertes Research.

Jerry Murphy

Jerry Murphy, Senior Vice President of Research and Consulting, Nemertes

Jerald Murphy is SVP of Research and Consulting for Nemertes. With over three decades of technology experience, Jerry has done everything from neural networking research, integrated circuit design, computer programming, designing global data centers, building core network management for the Internet, to being CEO of a managed services company. Jerry has worked in The United States Army, MCI Communications, META Group, Cognizant, and was the CEO of Banking Infrastructure Technology Services (BITS).

Jerry started his career in the Army, graduating from West Point with a degree in electrical engineering. The Army sent Jerry to Princeton, where he did graduate work in electrical engineering and computer science, specializing in neural network integrated circuit design. He then taught electrical engineering and computer science at West Point and worked at the Army Research Projects Agency (DARPA). On leaving the military, he worked at MCI helping to build the first public Internet backbone, responsible for implementing all the management systems and data centers for MCIs networks. He left MCI to start the network management practice for RPM Consulting. He was then picked to work for META Group, where he ended up running its global Infrastructure, Networking, and Security practice. Jerry was then tapped to work for Cognizant, where he ran its IT consulting practice globally, building some of the world’s largest data centers.

Most recently, Jerry was CEO of ACBB-BITS, a managed services firm that designed, built, and ran computer networks, collaboration, and security systems for financial services companies across the United States. After selling BITS, Jerry is now Senior Vice President of Research and Consulting for Nemertes Research, providing IT strategic consulting for large enterprises and IT service companies.

After-Hours Fun

To all of you attending our conference in Baltimore, we look forward to seeing you in a few weeks! Here’s a message from Board Member Emeritus, Leonard Kleinrock:

After the Tuesday morning Innovation Workshop and afternoon field trip to The Johns Hopkins University labs, we welcome you (and your guest) to join us back at the Royal Sonesta Hotel. Our welcome reception and dinner will feature a harp performance by an alumna of the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University.

Wednesday evening, dinner will be at Gertrude’s Chesapeake Kitchen, located in the Baltimore Museum of Art. Lauded by Food & Wine, Travel & Leisure, The Washington Post, and a multi-year winner of Baltimore Magazine’s “Best of Baltimore”, Gertrude’s serves locally sourced, farm-fresh food that preserves Chesapeake culinary traditions.

Situated within the Baltimore Museum of Art, the main dining room overlooks a sculpture garden featuring works by Alexander Calder, Isamu Noguchi, and Auguste Rodin. The atmosphere and the warm hospitality make it the perfect setting for weddings, graduations – inaugural conferences – and other life milestones.

During the pre-dinner cocktail hour, you will have a chance to explore nine of the Jacobs Collection galleries on the second floor of the Baltimore Museum of Art. These galleries will remain open exclusively for our group!

The Jacobs Collection Galleries include European/Old Masters paintings and sculptures. The BMA’s magnificent collection of 15th- through 19th-century European art contains masterworks of northern European and French art, and Medieval and Renaissance works. Much of the European art collection was formed by generous Baltimoreans, notably Jacob Epstein, Mary Frick Jacobs, and George A. Lucas.

Location & Venue

The Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore

550 Light Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

A limited block of rooms has been set aside at The Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore.

Who knows what’s next? Those who attend Nemertes [Next] do.

The next 15 years will see:

  • new energy technologies (from modular nuclear power plants to wireless transmission)
  • bioengineered supercomputers
  • the advent of practical quantum computing
  • AR/VR and the real Metaverse
  • organ bioprinting
  • virtual and actual space travel
  • functional humanoid robotics
  • the advance of AI
  • and much more.

Click here to see select speakers from past conferences

  • Eric Haseltine, CEO Discovery Democracy and Chairman of the US Technology Leadership (Learning Resilience from Military Adversaries)
  • Jim Hendler, Nemertes Research Fellow and Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic University (The Future of AI)
  • Veljko Dubljevic, Professor, North Carolina State University (Neuroethics)
  • Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, Professor, Cornell University (Robotic Skins)
  • Gill Pratt, Chief Scientist and Executive Fellow for Research, Toyota Motor Corporation and Chief Executive Officer, Toyota Research Institute (Next-Gen Transportation)
  • John Preskill, Professor, Caltech (Quantum Computing)
  • Tony Fadell, Future Shape; Member of the Original iPhone Team; inventor of the iPod (Future of Mobility)
  • Marcie Black, Co-Founder Advanced Silicon Group (Nanowire Array Biosensors)
  • George Church, Professor, Harvard (Innovations in Synthetic Biology)
  • Christian Mayr, Professor, Technical University of Dresden (Neuro-Microelectronics)
  • Jean Anne Incorvia, Professor, University of Texas-Austin (Densifying Transistors with Gates That Conduct Both Electrons and Holes)
  • Johannes Willbold, Satellite Security Researcher, Ruhr University Bochum (Interstellar Intruders: Hijacking Satellites through Firmware Vulnerabilities)
  • Larry James, Deputy Director, NASA JPL (Deep Space Communications)
  • Song Han, Assistant Professor, MIT (TinyML and Efficient Deep Learning on IoT Devices)
  • Handol Kim, CEO, Variational AI (Extending Generative AI to Small Molecule Drug Discovery)
  • Oren Etzioni, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Getting Down to Brass Tacks of Large Language Models)
  • Dan Work, Professor, Vanderbilt University (Resilient Highways: Experiments in Traffic Smoothing)
  • Vint Cerf, Vice-President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google (The Unfinished Internet)

Nemertes [Next] maintains and expands the world-class roster of speakers who are busy inventing the future. As TTI/Vanguard speaker and famed technologist Alan Kay memorably put it, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

Nemertes [Next] is the continuation of an event put on over the past 30 years by TTI/Vanguard.

TTI/Vanguard Becomes Nemertes [Next]

Nemertes [Next] is the continuation of the TTI/Vanguard conference series focusing on emerging technologies and their enterprise implications.

Originally created by famed UCLA computer scientist researcher Leonard Kleinrock and his colleagues, the series has attracted a range of visionary speakers for over forty years. Our conference series will continue to be guided by many of the same board members and long-time advisers and organizers, including Dr. Kleinrock, Content Director Nancy Kleinrock, long-time master of ceremonies (and former CEO) Tony Shaw, and other critical members of the team.

Along with launching the re-imagined conference, we’re continuing the popular newsletter authored by Nancy Kleinrock, and continuing the beloved tradition of holding a conference field trip to a nearby research facility, giving members an inside peek into laboratories conducting cutting-edge scientific and engineering research.

Board Members

From Our Members

  • Nemertes [Next] Board Member Ike Nassi shares why this is his community of like-minded people who "groove" on things like new approaches to bio-engineering to prolong life or highly functioning, mind-blowing robots...

  • Nemertes [Next] Content Director and Board Member Nancy Kleinrock is a driving force in guiding the next chapter of this conference series. In her 25+ involvement, she has witnessed the introduction of cutting edge tech that eventually became “ho-hum” everyday tech, and she’s curated countless......

  • “You've got see what goes on there. You've got to watch these brilliant people interact... Every time I attend it makes my day, every day”...