Why do your customers really love your product? And which quantitative benefits are likely to resonate with your prospective customers?
With a Real Economic Value (REV) study, Nemertes helps vendors and service providers find solid answers to these questions. The REV enables you to succinctly define the quantifiable business and operational value of your solution. It also helps you focus your product development efforts on the full array of value propositions, including some that you may not have previously been aware of.
We call it a “real” economic value because not all value can be measured in dollars and cents. Sometimes the value is in increased efficiency, reduced overhead, or other operational metrics. And surprisingly often, customers see benefits that providers hadn’t considered before.
To conduct a REV, Nemertes first works closely with you to create a series of hypotheses regarding the value your customers are experiencing deriving from using your products or services. These can be anything from measurably improved user experience to reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) or measurably improved agility. We then interview your customers see whether these are the top benefits, quantify them appropriately, and capture and quantify other benefits they might have discovered. We call these measures “real economic value” because they include operational benefits that can translate to real economic benefits.
The outcome is a visually compelling, data-based report, designed on Nemertes’ letterhead. This report describes the technology space, discusses the business benefits your technology has delivered to customers, and includes a roll-up of the customer experiences overall. The REV also includes individual one-page case studies (suitably anonymized) that highlight key quantitative benefits each customer obtained.
Nemertes can also deliver a webinar or fireside chat, either by ourselves or with your product team, highlighting the findings of the study. You will have unlimited distribution rights to the full report, as well as the ability to promote and use the findings on marketing and sales documents.