26 Jul What’s In YOUR Data Center? (THREE BEERS IT, Ep.3)
Three Beers IT
Premiere Date: July 26, 2023 | Episode 3 | 24 mins
From asset management to the emerging software bill of materials, IT has many ways to understand what they are actually working with. Knowing is important not just for operational and security reasons, but also for planning for the future. How many systems are you harboring past end of life and end of support and to the end of the aftermarket? How big is the silent enemy, the technical debt embodied in your infrastructure? Let’s have a drink and discuss!
• Long Trail Ale (Long Trail Brewing Co, Vermont)
Host: John Burke – CTO, Nemertes
Guest: Curt Havard – Managing Director of Information Services, RAND Corporation
– IT After Hours –
About THREE BEERS IT: A home for disinhibited conversations about the world of IT, the things that don’t get said until you’re on your 3rd beer…