01 Sep Trends in Security and Privacy [Ep.6]
Emerging Technologies Research Study 2022-2023 Webinar Series
It seems you can’t go very far these days without hearing another security horror story: ransomware threats, denial of service attacks, data theft. What’s a company to do? In this webinar, Nemertes addresses trends in security and privacy that are so important to companies today. We reveal the details of the results of our latest survey of large enterprise in their attitudes and use of technology for security and privacy. In addition to covering company maturity levels here, we also examine adoption rates on areas including:
• Zero Trust
• Software Defined Perimeter
• Internet of Things (IoT) Security
• API Management and Security
• Collaboration and Social Media Security
Presenter: Jerald Murphy, Nemertes SVP of Research + Consulting
ABOUT THIS SERIES: Which emerging technologies are surging ahead in adoption and support, and which are lagging? What are companies REALLY investing in when it comes to emerging technologies? And where are they stumbling? We’re presenting our latest study over a 6-part webinar series that looks at emerging technologies from Amplified Intelligence to Zero Trust and how companies are (or aren’t) achieving value from them.
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