28 Feb Schrödinger’s Marketing Ploy: Quantum Cryptography (THREE BEERS IT, Ep.7)
Three Beers IT
Premiere Date: Febuary 28, 2024 | Episode 7 | 13 mins
“Quantum cryptography” conjures images of somehow using quantum phenomena to encrypt data. Is anything about that image correct?
John is joined by Nemertes Research Fellow Marc Seybold to dig into what folks really mean when they offer quantum cryptography solutions. And how they sometimes very carefully DON’T say exactly what those solutions actually do with quantum, in order to let you believe there is more going on than there really is. Yes, there is a “there” there, but in many cases it is far more limited than that grand vision of quantum magic for security.
• Surly “Furious” IPA (Minneapolis, MN)
Host: John Burke – CTO and lead researcher, Nemertes
Guest: Marc Seybold – Nemertes Research Fellow
– IT After Hours –
About THREE BEERS IT: A home for disinhibited conversations about the world of IT, the things that don’t get said until you’re on your 3rd beer…